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How to activate E-Notification and remove AnchorLess' fiscal representation
Updated over 7 months ago

Step 1: Activate E-Notification

To activate electronic notifications on Portal das Finanças and remove your fiscal representative, you need to:

  1. Log into Portal das Finanças with your NIF and password.

  2. Search for 'Gerir Canais' and navigate to your notification settings. And click "Aceder"

  3. Under 'Canais de Notificação', click 'Ativar' to change the status from inactive to pending activation. The request's approval will depend on the date of the request, with activations occurring either on the 1st of the following month or the month after next.

  4. Re-login to confirm activation and take a screenshot once active.

Step 2: Ask to remove your fiscal representative

  1. Find 'Atendimento e-balcão' through the search bar and click "Aceder".

  2. Click 'Registar Nova Questão' to register a new inquiry.

  3. Submit your request by selecting the appropriate options from the dropdown menus.
    For Imposto ou área select Registro Contribuinte
    For Tipo de Questão select Identific
    For Questão select Representação Fiscal

  4. You will arrive on this form:

    Then complete the form with the following informations (make sure to replace the fields between [ ]).

    For Assunto write:

    "Cancelamento de Representação Fiscal"

    For mensagem write:

    "Prezado(a), bom dia!

    Espero que esteja bem.

    Solicito o cancelamento de [your fiscal representative's name] - TIN [your fiscal representative's NIF] como meu representante fiscal.

    Vivo actualmente em [your current country of residence]. Ativei as notificações eletrónicas no portal, e não tenho obrigações fiscais em território português.

    Muito obrigado pela sua assistência e tenha um bom dia.

    [Your name]

    Also attach the screenshot you took earlier.

Ensure your email is confirmed on the portal and have your NIF document and password ready before starting this process.

You will get an answer in 1-2 business days.

Step 3: Cancel your AnchorLess subscription

You should be able to read "Não tem nenhum representante"

Submit a full screenshot (including your name) of this page to our form here.

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